Friday, July 16, 2010

This is for information for 'low income group/no income-group people' that there are some 'LOW COST' and 'NO COST' Oldage Homes in some villages in West Bengal, as well as, in Kolkata Metropolitn Area (managed by charitable trust/missionaries/NGOs etc,). Above mentioned oldage homes keep their inmates in dormitaries accommodating eight to twenty boarders in one hall. I have found such homes at Barasat & Bashirhat about a decade ago. These Homes are meant for real 'destitutes', who has no shelter oh their own or peoples having megre monthly income bt which they cannot afford charges of an average Oldage Homes.To name afew such homes are Sarada Mission at Barasat (N-24 Prgs). One such Home is functioning at Narayanpur within Rajarhat-Narayanpur Municipality (to reach avail auto from Kaikhali near Airport).Beside this ihe following Oldage Homes belong to above category :

Little Sister of Poor Mahila SebaSamity
8, Red Cross Place, Kolkata-700001
2,A.J.C. Road, Kolkata73
Phone:22425552/22429360 Mother Terrassa Oldage Home,
Near Kalighat Temple, Kolkata-26

Missionaries of Charity
54, A.J.C.Bose Road, Kolkata-17


  1. Lots of Non Profit organisation and specially State Government should come in this regard. Except their intervention cost and expenditure can not be brought down.

  2. Would you please give me the phone number of the kaikhali home? It's urgent. Thanks

  3. Would you please give me the phone number of the kaikhali home? It's urgent. Thanks
