Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It has been noticed that there is no infrastructue in Social Welfare Deptt.of either Central or State Governments to lookafter the function of the Oldage Homes and the welfare of the Oldage Home boarders. It is proposed that the governments may impose liseince to the Oldage Homes which should be renewed every year after inspection carried out by the appropriate authorities of Soicial Welfare Deptts. of Cent theral and State. There are lots of instances where unemployed men opened Oldage Homes at their own house or elsewhere like stationery shops. Their motto is to earn money at any cost. Many cases they do not bother about the minimum needs of the boarders. As most of the boarders are aged and infirm they passess their days quitely finding no other way out. Unless Government or Civic Bodies do not come forward with some benevolent policies, a major portion of the boarders of this types of Oldage Homes will pass their days till death uncared for.
In this connection I would like to bring to viewers' notice that as per my personal SURVEY, I have found that a good number of Oldage Home boarders (Female Boarders are more in percentage than Male counterpart are suffering from DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS out of which some boarders are suffering from DEMENSIA or ALZHEIMER.If their relatives arrange whole-time attendant and keep watch whether the suffering boarder is properly attended to,then it is some how, alright.In many cases this type of unfortunate boarders pass their days without attendants un-fed/half-fed/not properly clothed. Government should specify some norms which should be mandetory to the Oldage Home authrities to observe. Non-compliance of the norms should attract specific sections of Criminal Proc. Code (neglect/abuse to elderlies).EVERY OLDAGE HOMES SHOULD HAVE FIRE PROTECTION ARRANGEMENTS AND IMMERGENT MEDICAL SUPPORT FACILITIES VIZ.ARRANGEMENT OF OXYGEN GAS ETC. AND A TRAINED NURSE OR AYYEA. A good number of Oldage Homes are situated in villages far away from nearest city but those homes are not having their own transport to remove a sick boarder to nearest hospital, if necessary. Sometimes serious patient die for delay in getting transport.

1 comment:

  1. You are right. If Government works efficiently then perhaps we would see a very developed India.
