Sunday, May 16, 2010


1)Elderly people who are intending to shift to any Oldage Home , my humble advice to them that before selecting any 'HOME', be sure that the HOME is registered under Societies Act or Companies Act. Make possible all enquires about the Good Will of the HOME from the local peoples. Do not hand over post dated cheques to 'HOME' authority except valid reasons. There are two types of HOME : (1) The HOME keeps deposits ranging from 1 lac. to 3 lacs. besides monthly charges and (2) HOME keeps only three to four months monthly charges as advance +admission fee 10,000/- to 20,000/- plus monthly charges to be paid as usual.Further, some HOMEs are Premium Oldage Home, their depositand charges are high, as well as, monthly charges. There are a few HOMEs who provide 'Room Service'to the boarders,the boarders get their Tea,Tiffins, Meals etc in their rooms/flats. This aspect to be kept in mind while searching for a HOME, as some other HOMEs provide room service only when the boarder is sick and unable to move.In most of the Homes the boarders are to take their Meals and Dinners in the Common Dining Hall sitting togather at a fixed time. There are also two types of Management of HOMEs - One is 'Non-profit' basis (NGOs etc.) and other is 'Commercial'. Select the HOME according to your might. Don't give signed blank cheques to your son/daughter, relatives or friends while leaving for oldage home. When you are in HOME and is feeling insecured to keep valuable documents including cheque books, fixed deposit certificates etc.,under your custody, you may keep them under the custody of the Propreitor/Official Incharge of the HOME and get a receipt duly signed by the officials and a signature of an witness of a reliable boarder of the HOME thereon.

2) Don't part with your immovable /movable poperties.If you are a pension holder keep the P.P.O. Book/Cheque Book with you. If you have got investment in banks/post offices, keep the documents under your personal custody. Those assets will look after you in your distress.

3) Central Government has amended Criminal Proceedure Code to protect the elderly people.If you do not have substantial monthly income, you may seek protection under amended Criminal Proceedure Code. If you are totally neglected and you do not have any near ones and you money to afford the charges of a Home, only then you move to an Oldage Home.

4) If you need any assistance, you may contact HELPAGE INDIA, Phone No:1800-345125 (Free Help Line).

NOTE: Sometimes it is seen in many cases that elderly peoples admitted to Oldage Homes by their High profile sons or relatives keeping under their custody post dated cheques signed by the elderly man or woman who has been sent to HOME. Those high profile relatives (?) send only monthly charges to management that also not regular.It is to be mentioned in this connection that DAUGHTERS (SOMETIME SISTERS) PAY VISITS TO THEIR FATHER/MOTHER/BROTHER in
Oldage Homes when their (boarders)established sons take least interest to spare some time to visit his parents and give company to them.

When an elderly man/woman is admitted to Oldage Home (when the candidate is enough aged or sick) he or she is given a picture of the Oldage Home, as if it is an heaven where he or she would be looked after whole day and night and get nursing and other helps etc. etc. as and when requires. Finding no other way out, they agree and surrender as a prey to their benevolent(?) relatives and get admitted to an HOME for a BETTER FUTURE.In some cases,the so called benevolent relatives send full monthly remittance consisting of HOME's Monthly charges and Pocket expenditures which includes medical expenses required and misc. expenditures on hair oil,tooth-paste, dhobi charges, hair cutting(men's)etc. for a year or so (that too also in most of the cases, from the fund of the boarder the relatives hold custody)) First they start to decrease the amount of remittance of pocket expenditure which includes medical expenditure too. When those type old boarders fell critically sick the management of the Oldage Home, in many cases, fails to get fund from the relatives of the boarder who took responsibility of the boarder under signature at time of admission. The HOME authority is to incur necessary the medical expenses for hospitalisation and follow-up medical treatments etc at their own, if personal fund of the boarder shortfalls, in anticipation of re-imbursement and some times it becomes a problems to get re-imbursement from the relatives. A day comes, you will wounder,when this type of boarders die, their relatives are contacted to takeover the dead body become non-interested showing different plea. In some cases, the body lies 10-12 hours unclaimed. After given ultimatum over phone or sending representative to give them warnning that if the body is not taken away within fixed time, the local Police to be informed.Then they come and take away the body. This is the FUTURE OF THE FUTURE of these 'human beings'.

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