Thursday, May 13, 2010





Elderly people requre contineous contact and look-after (Care), 'cause after certain age elderly peoples' health status varies frequently.For example, in morning some one is more or less alright but in evening or at night his B.P. may rise or fall much below or high from the optimum level or other complains may start which was never before. It is common incident that elderly people mainly over 75 years above may get fall, sometimes causing fractures and they become bed-ridden. To avoid this those elderly people should be under continuous contact and care.


The Elderly peoples of greater percentage feel themselves helpless economically, physically and socially.It is not in only oldage homes, even in many domestic homes we also find same picture.Now-a-days families' dimension have been curtailed from short to shorttest.MICRO families have born. Families structure is - "HUSBHAND, WIFE AND NORMALLY ONE OR TWO CHILDREN". GRANDPA/GRANDMA has/have no role in the family. Other members of the family should behave in such a way that the elderly member (s) does/do not feel lonely and neglected. They are to be given company.They are also to be inducted in, if not all, in some family matters /problems.Next generation should think that a day will come when they (sons/daughters/close relatives under whose custody/care, the elderly men/women is passing their life), will also be old.


Counselling is very much important to the elderlies (whether in Old Age Homes or own homes). Many of the cases they suffer from fraustration. Some times they even commit suicide or go away to an unknown destination and never return to their homes.With deep regret, I say that a few educated persons have come forward to help these peoples. A countable person are working on OLDAGE PEOPLES. In Kolkata,at least I know one Prof.(Dr.)Prafulla Chakraborty (Ex-ISI) is working on Gerontology and he has already published two books on the subject.Government should come forward and look into the matter and depute Counsellors/ Social Welfare hands to look after the Geriatic Management in Old Age Homes spread over the whole State, Kolkata Metroplitan area in particulat.N.G.Os, Human Right Organisations and Social Welfare Organisations should make aware the elderly men, the previledges they can get protected under law of the soil.

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